Monday, October 20, 2014

Ground 0

  Something I never quite got the hang of: first-post introductions. I'm gonna go ahead and skip this one.

  Today, I woke up at around 4 in the morning to depressing, saddening, morbid thoughts. After trying in vain to push said thoughts from my mind and return to the land of dreams, I sat myself in front of my laptop and ate approximately an entire sleeve of Oreos while watching HybridPanda's most recent SaturDayz video. It did the trick. 

  Shortly after my wonderfully nutritious breakfast (at least I drank some milk), I decided to make this blog. Until very recently, I've always felt that keeping a hard-copy journal was for me. I don't use mine very often, but when I do it's a sort of therapeutic thing. I also really like having pretty, physical journals to look at and display. The only problem with wanting a pretty journal is that there's a lot of pressure to keep it pretty. This pressure is a large part of why I use my journal so rarely. When using a physical journal, I feel like my handwriting has to be neat, and I can't write anything too dumb or embarrassing. It really removes the point of the journal: To document day to day life and thoughts. No matter how silly, and no matter how much caffeine I've had that day, which may or may not be causing my hands to shake.

  Mira Grant has unintentionally convinced me to take up blogging with the use of her Newslfesh trilogy. Personally, I feel like blogging has a more sophisticated air to it. Typing on a keyboard is also much more relaxing for me than writing with a pen. It's sort of strange and even scary to admit, but these days, using a pen feels almost foreign.

  Most importantly, I feel like I can get my thoughts across most efficiently and understandably through blogging. So here I am, a brand new baby blogger. I feel good about this.

  Now I'm gonna go customize my page, so bye! You'll be hearing from me often.
